Sunday 24 May 2009

Preproduction, aims and methods

I’m going to try and narrow down a media and method for my specialist study animation. That in itself is tricky as the styles of animation that I like, have a variety of different media composted together. The beginning sequence to the age of stupid is an example, with the painted backgrounds and textures mixed with CG, I’d definitely like that atmospheric effect for the backgrounds and scenery, for the character, I’m not so sure. I can visualise long dark hair blowing in the wind when I hear the song, which would be easier and simpler to do with a 2d character. I can imagine it looking somewhat like the Gorrilaz music videos with their 2D characters in a 3D space. To be honest I’m not too fussed on the media I use, it’s more about the effect it creates. I will use what ever methods and media that fit in with what I want to achieve.

I want a high quality appearance, cinematic techniques –with good use of dynamic camera angles, timing and pacing-, and high quality animation with a subtle but clear story. I’ll need a good quality soundtrack and will need to re-record Great Uncle Joe singing the song, or find another method of getting a clear recording; perhaps a local band could collaborate.

I want the main focus to be on the character and the location, to give the audience a taste of who Kate Doherty was and a feel of her home and the coast where she lived. I’ll need to perhaps visit the location once more and gather visuals from it- concept drawings, visualisations, layout paintings etc.

The length will be dependant on the song and tempo, the tempo will be dependant on who I get to sing for it and whether or not I use backing instruments or not. It will be the simple idea –the life and death of a woman on the coast of Ireland- hopefully done in a complex way. It will have only the song, and no character dialogue.

I hope to market it to a festival, which one? I’m not sure; I guess I can try my luck at several but will need to look more into the methods that other filmmakers use in the successful films. The best of flip screening was very helpful in that sense.

I will enjoy the preproduction process as much as the production as the subject matter is important to me. I will enjoy researching the location and family history and trying to get across the atmosphere, location and personality of both the location and the character to the audience without the audience realising it (as they would if it was a straight forward documentary).

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