Monday 5 October 2009

Blue Baboon

8 years ago on a school trip to the south of France, we'd just canoed over to a small island and one of the instructors told us a joke that I've never forgotten. It was a joke about a big blue baboon...

In an exotic pet shop, a man is looking for a brand new pet. In the corner, is a huge cage with an enormous blue baboon inside. The man waves at it, the baboon waves back. Thinking of all the tricks he could teach this obviously intelligent creature, the man buys the baboon. Just as he was about to leave, the shop keeper called him back.

"Remember, lad, listen to my advice. Do not EVER touch this baboon. Not even once, it can be very dangerous."

Eager to get the baboon home, the man nodded and left, wondering about the shop keeper's words. But once inside his house, with his baboon nicely settled in, he seemed to forget them completely. After successfully teaching his baboon how to sit, the man reached inside the cage.

"There's a good boy..." he said, patting the baboon on the head.

At once, the baboon stood up causing the man to yank his hand back in surprise and step back from the cage. The baboon's eyes were wide, its teeth bared, fur standing on its end making him look twice as large and twice as menacing. The baboon yanked at the bars of the cage till they came loose.

The man turned and ran, just as the baboon came free and started to tear after him, screaming. Turning corner after corner through the house, the man reached the front door and pulled it open, looking back. The baboon was still chasing him, getting nearer and nearer. Nearly tripping down the stairs as he did, the man left his house in a hurry and carried on running down the road, hearing the baboon follow closley behind. Finally, panting, the man found himself backed into the corner of an alley.

The baboon came forward, eyes locked on the man's every move. It stood over the man, seeming to tower over the cowering figure. It reached out a large, hairy arm, claws glinting in the dim light. It opened its jaws, revealing two rows of sharp yellow teeth. Its finger tip reached the man's sholder, poking him.

"Tag, you're it" said the baboon.

I thought of this joke when it was suggested to me to have the interaction of 2 characters. Its full of action and provides plenty of opportunity for quality character animation and dynamic camera moves. Its a simple idea that i can deliver in a complex way. The characters are very different from each other, in size, species, personality and presence. There's a lot I can do with it.

The story needs a little editing to cut it down to what's important. Perhaps I could even cut out the pet shop and have the man get the baboon as a delivery with a note attatched- Perhaps he could be looking after the baboon for a friend? I'll have a think about it.

Before I start on the storyboard though, I'd like to make a start on the character design.

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